News Story

Tanzania Health Care Experiential Learning Initiative

(July 23, 2024) — Students from Georgetown’s School of Nursing spent part of their summer on an experiential learning trip as part of the Tanzania Health Care Experiential Learning Initiative. Two classmates from the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program, Ele Harnisch (N’25) and Kaylyn Beckford (N’25), as well as Family Nurse Practitioner Program student Cassandra Samaniego (G’24) made the 11-day trip to Siha, Tanzania, with the initiative’s director, Krista White, PhD, RN, CCRN-K, CNE, associate professor of nursing, and Pamela Biernacki, associate professor of nursing and assistant dean for innovation and program development.

The program describes the experience as being “framed by humility, grace and care for the people of Tanzania.”

During the May 31 through June 10 trip, the students conducted basic health screenings and seminars, working with teachers, parents and children.

Highlights From the Experience

Left to right: Cassandra Samaniego (G’24), Kaylyn Beckford (N’25) and Ele Harnisch (N’25) toured Charlotte Hospital, which offers dental and vision care services to the Kilimanjaro Region and has its own nursing school.

The team prepared to teach children how to prevent tooth loss.

Samaniego observed as a local dentist performed a free dental exam.

Before leaving, the children who visited the dental clinic were each given a toothbrush.

Krista White, director of the Tanzania initiative, met with nurse midwives from Siha District Hospital.

The Georgetown students shared laughs and smiles with students at Charlotte Hospital nursing school.

The trip concluded with a safari in Tanzania’s Tarangire National Park.

experiential learning
nursing education
population health