Bell Speaks at DC State Board of Education Public Meeting

Sarah Bell, Georgetown University School of Nursing, speaks during her allotted time at the DC State Board of Education Public Meeting. To her left is fellow panelist Whitney Carrington, Director of Student Health Services, DC Public Schools; to her right are panelists LeAna Jenkins, student, McKinley Tech High School; and Anna Rodriguez, parent representative, Parents Amplifying Voices in Education (PAVE) (Image: DCSBOE)
(August 19, 2024) — Sarah Bell, BSN, MPH, RN, a School of Nursing adjunct faculty member, joined a panel of health care professionals to discuss student health in schools at DC’s State Board of Education public meeting on July 17. Bell has 20 years of nursing experience and 12 years of school nursing experience.
“School nursing is extremely important in improving health outcomes of K-12 students, and I am very passionate about this topic,” Bell told the board. “The important impact that nurses make within schools is under-recognized. Nurses have the capacity to partner with school administration, teachers, families, students and community partners. Nurses can be robust members of school programming in health and wellness education as well as in addressing absenteeism and working with students and family for their educational success especially with those with chronic illness.”
To hear her full testimony, tune in at the 6:20 mark.